White or blue water (cataract)

Date : 04/07/2020

Written by Dr. / Abdel Hamid Tayseer Salah
Ophthalmology specialist





What is a cataract?
Cataracts are already transparent inside the eye. Cataracts prevent the lens from sending clear images to the retina and thus affect visual acuity and image clarity.
Cataracts are common in the elderly. As more than half of people when they reach the age of 70 undergo cataract surgery with lens implantation

Symptoms of a cataract:

  1. Blurry vision
  2. Difficulty seeing at night
  3. Fading color vision
  4. Increased sensitivity to glare
  5. Halos of ambient lights
  6. Double vision
  7. The need for frequent changes to eyeglass sizing

What causes cataracts?

  1. Excessive production of oxidants due to aging
  2. Smoking
  3. Ultraviolet rays from chronic exposure to the sun
  4. Long-term use of certain medications, such as cortisone,
  5. Certain diseases, such as diabetes
  6. A blow to the eye
  7. Radiation exposure
  8. Eye diseases and infections

Diagnosed with cataracts?

 The eye surgeon will perform a comprehensive eye exam to check for cataracts and to assess your vision. An examination of the optic nerve and retina at the back of your eye

Your doctor may be able to help you improve symptoms, especially in primary cases, through eyeglasses or sunglasses with an anti-glare coating.
But when the cataracts affect your daily activities, such as reading or driving. The radical solution is through a cataract removal operation with the implantation of a transparent lens instead of an opaque lens.
One of the advanced surgical methods includes the use of ultrasound to remove the opaque lens and replace it with a transparent artificial lens
Cataract surgery is generally considered very safe and has a very high success rate.
It is performed through simple local anesthesia with drops, the operation is performed in ten minutes without pain, and the patient does not need to stay overnight in the hospital and start practicing his usual activities on the same day or the day after the operation.
One final tip: Cataracts can interfere with daily activities and lead to blindness when left untreated.
You should check regularly and follow medical advice.