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Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS – AHA)


  1. Introductions
  2. Course overview
  3. Science of Pediatric Resuscitation
  4. Child and Infant High-Quality BLS
  5. Overview of Systematic Approach Model, Secondary Assessment; Team Dynamics.
  6. Management of Shock Emergencies; Respiratory Video Case Discussions; Learning Station: Airway Management.
  7. Management of Shock Emergencies; Shock Video Case Discussion; Learning Station: Vascular Access.
  8. Management of Arrhythmia Emergencies; Arrhythmia Video Case Discussions; Learning Station: Rhythm Disturbances / Electrical Therapy.
  9. Management of post-Cardiac Arrest Care.
  10. Case Scenario Practice with Simulations.



Participants will be able to do CPR alone for pediatric as well as part of the team.


Target group

All health care provider