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What distinguishes the nutrition unit at Istiklal Hospital is the role it plays in the treatment of many diseases through food after patients do all necessary tests. In addition, chronic conditions are completely and continuously followed-up. A team of qualified dietitians conduct continuous and frequent tours during the hospital stay in order to follow up on all cases and implement the best scientific methods hand in hand with attending physicians, to lose weight and treat diseases. These diseases include for example obesity, high blood fats, high blood sugar, Heart and digestive diseases, kidney diseases, anemia, osteoporosis, gout and sensitivity to certain food, such as sensitivity to gluten. There is also a special nutrition clinic that prepares nutritional programs, and special nutritional programs prepared for pregnant and lactating women, athletes as well as individuals who suffer from thinness (excessive weakness) children and teenagers.


Services Provided by the Nutrition Unit


  • Providing Nutritional and Awareness Education
  • Developing diets to Stabilize, Increase or Lose Weight
  • Nutritional Assessment of Inpatients or Referrals by Doctors
  • Receiving Individuals who Seek to have their Own Nutrition Programs