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In line with the policy of "Istiklal Hospital" in providing integrated medical care for patients and visitors of all ages and their requirements or what they need, we have prepared and construct a special "Medical laboratory" equipped with the finest hardware needed to perform most medical tests, and in all disciplines and in the hands of highly qualified and good experienced medical laboratory technicians 24/7. So our lab performs all medical tests required by doctors i.e. from the hospital clinics or outpatient. The results for patient tests are performed and established in the shortest possible time and high quality,, Our lab is under internal and external international (USA &Germany) quality control, in addition to the hardware monitor calibration and maintenance of the rotating process.


Al-Istiklal Hospital Laboratory is distinguished for being one of the well-known laboratory reference


  • Modern and sophisticated devices in all departments
  • Quality control is applied to all examinations on a daily basis
  • The external quality flip applies periodically and regularly from internationally renowned companies
  • Follow-up and audit of all patient examinations by the supervisor and the laboratory director
  • The laboratory offers discounts on tests for patients who need a discount
  • Perform tests in the form of packages to check on the different functions of the body at reasonable prices
  • The hospital is accredited by the Health Institutions Accreditation Board (HCAC), including the laboratory
  • The hospital is accredited by the Health Care Accreditation Council (HCAC) and includes the laboratory
  • The laboratory is accredited by several universities in Jordan to train students of medical analysis
  • The laboratory provides the necessary facilities to draw blood at home for patients who are unable to come to the laboratory or have special needs
  • The laboratory was provided with a highly experienced technical cadre in various public and private examinations
  • The hospital is accredited by the Jordanian Medical Council and Arab Board of Health Specializations as one of the educational hospitals to give the board of the art in different specialties
  • The hospital's accreditation from the Arab Council for Health Specialties in residency programs for women's, obstetrics, children, surgery, internal diseases and anesthesia


Sections of the laboratory


  • Reception & Phlebotomy:

    Where the patient is received in the laboratory, information is taken about him and the analysis required for him, according to which samples are drawn from the patient. Then the complete results are delivered after the tests are carried out and on the specified date, and the results are checked and approved by the laboratory director

  • Analysis of body fluids and routine tests

    It includes tests (urine), (feces), semen (sperm), spinal cord fluid, in addition to other rapid serology tests needed for detection of some communicable diseases such as Brucella fever, and typhoid

  • Hematology and coagulation tests

    In this section analysis of blood cells (Complete blood cells ... CBC) for detection of anemia, or other diseases

    And coagulation tests needed for diagnose and detect thrombophilia and cardiac diseases

  • Biochemistry

    Clinical Chemistry tests done and performed in this section including cardiac enzymes , liver ,and kidney function tests, cholesterol and all kinds of lipids, diabetes tests, and others

  • Microbiology and Culture

    In this section culture for bacteria from body fluids or swabs from different sources in the body to diagnose microorganisms and to do selection of antibiotics for treatment of inflammation and diseases

  • Immunology and PCR

    This section includes the tests needs for the diagnosis a group of diseases related to the immunity system such as hepatitis and immunodeficiency and others./ PCR department ,In this section, PCR technology detects various virus diseases such as viral hepatitis and other viruses such as COVID-19, H1N1 and many other blood clotting diseases and other diseases that are detected by the polymerase method

  • Hormones and Endocrinology

    In this section all hormones of different diseases done such as thyroid hormones ,infertility hormones or others related to different endocrinology diseases , in addition to the tumor markers which done and performed at the same instruments in this section

  • Histopathology and tissue diseases section

    Biopsies taken from patients undergo for processing, then to examined and analyzed by a specialist histopathology to diagnose and give report about diseases.